By Richard Lipman M.D.
Why Some People Eat Like Pigs & Stay Thin: It's In the Genes (or Is It?)
Two Opposing Views on Why Some People Can Remain Thin and Eat What They Want and others Get Fat Just Looking at Food!
Genes vs. NEAT
NEAT Explains the Difference Between Fat and Thin:
Dr James Levine from the Mayo Clinic thinks the difference between thin and fat people is not genetic, but related to the movement through the day that everyone does, not related to extra exercise, which he calls NEAT. In his recent book, Move a Little, Lose a Lot, this Mayo Clinic Endocrinologist and exercise guru shows very convincing data that there may be a 1000 to 2000 calorie per day difference in people who move about vs. those completely sedentary. This is independent of extra exercise like going to a gym or for long walks. He points out that thin people, when overfed thousands of extra calories do not gain weight because they increase their NEAT unconsciously. He advocates increasing NEAT by getting up from the office chair, moving about, walking a flight of steps, parking car as far as possible away from your office etc.All ways to get some movement into one's daily life.
Genes Explain Why Some People Be Thin and Eat What They Want
Why Do Some People Never Get Fat?
BBC Newsmagazine, London January 22, 2009
Why do some people seem to eat what they like and remain thin, while others limit their food, often drastically, yet struggle to shed their bulk-the genet
One expert, Dr. Jane Wardle, thinks it's due to the genes that influence appetite. For thin people, "it's kind of effortless because they don't even want to eat. They do not have to exert will power and self-control whereas for other people, their brain has little control over what they eat.
When skinny people start eating their metabolism increases to keep them thin. In 1967, Dr Ethan Sims, fed thin prisoners in a Vermont jail as much as 10,000 calories a day in attempt to make them fat. No matter how much food they ate, they remained relatively thin. The few who did gain, lost their weight in a few weeks.
Dr Rudy Liebel, from Columbia University explains the problem:" Think of it like a thermostat and that each person has a set point, when it is reduced below that point the body begins to do things that will force it to recover its lost body weight."
Dr Carel le Roux, an obesity specialist thinks there is another explanation, why some people appear not to get fat despite eating at lot. She says, "Studies have shown that this tendency to lay down muscle rather than fat when we over-eat is genetically determined.
All of these answers focus on genetic factors, beyond everyone's control and infer that it's almost hopeless for overweight people to lose significant weight and keep it off.The "genetic factor" does not explain the rapid rise in obesity over the last 10 years, since the gene pool cannot change so quickly. It suggests that environment must also play a role.
Why Some People Eat Like Pigs & Stay Thin: It's In the Genes (or Is It?)
Two Opposing Views on Why Some People Can Remain Thin and Eat What They Want and others Get Fat Just Looking at Food!
Genes vs. NEAT
NEAT Explains the Difference Between Fat and Thin:
Dr James Levine from the Mayo Clinic thinks the difference between thin and fat people is not genetic, but related to the movement through the day that everyone does, not related to extra exercise, which he calls NEAT. In his recent book, Move a Little, Lose a Lot, this Mayo Clinic Endocrinologist and exercise guru shows very convincing data that there may be a 1000 to 2000 calorie per day difference in people who move about vs. those completely sedentary. This is independent of extra exercise like going to a gym or for long walks. He points out that thin people, when overfed thousands of extra calories do not gain weight because they increase their NEAT unconsciously. He advocates increasing NEAT by getting up from the office chair, moving about, walking a flight of steps, parking car as far as possible away from your office etc.All ways to get some movement into one's daily life.
Genes Explain Why Some People Be Thin and Eat What They Want
Why Do Some People Never Get Fat?
BBC Newsmagazine, London January 22, 2009
Why do some people seem to eat what they like and remain thin, while others limit their food, often drastically, yet struggle to shed their bulk-the genet
One expert, Dr. Jane Wardle, thinks it's due to the genes that influence appetite. For thin people, "it's kind of effortless because they don't even want to eat. They do not have to exert will power and self-control whereas for other people, their brain has little control over what they eat.
When skinny people start eating their metabolism increases to keep them thin. In 1967, Dr Ethan Sims, fed thin prisoners in a Vermont jail as much as 10,000 calories a day in attempt to make them fat. No matter how much food they ate, they remained relatively thin. The few who did gain, lost their weight in a few weeks.
Dr Rudy Liebel, from Columbia University explains the problem:" Think of it like a thermostat and that each person has a set point, when it is reduced below that point the body begins to do things that will force it to recover its lost body weight."
Dr Carel le Roux, an obesity specialist thinks there is another explanation, why some people appear not to get fat despite eating at lot. She says, "Studies have shown that this tendency to lay down muscle rather than fat when we over-eat is genetically determined.
All of these answers focus on genetic factors, beyond everyone's control and infer that it's almost hopeless for overweight people to lose significant weight and keep it off.The "genetic factor" does not explain the rapid rise in obesity over the last 10 years, since the gene pool cannot change so quickly. It suggests that environment must also play a role.
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